Nice Musings


Be nice to the world, make it a nicer place when you are here and when you have left. Be nice to your friends, whenever you are with them and whenever you are not. So that when you are with them, your presence makes them feel nice and when you are not, your memories make them feel nice


Friends are like grains of sand, the harder you try to grab them the more you lose them from your hand. Hold it gently and you will build castles or write your name in the sands of time. Put pressure or rush it, and it may come down midway.


Always remember, you make and  become friends not because you were better, smarter, stronger or greater. You make and become friends because you were like-minded, you were helpful or needed help, you were kind or needed kindness, you needed them and they needed you, you had feelings for them and they had feelings for you, you felt comfortable with them and they with you. So don’t waste time on the former, focus on the latter.

Have a nice day!









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